Valentine's Day 2025 at The David Hall
I am delighted to announce that 'The Love Stories Show' will play on Valentine's Day 2025.
I'm so grateful to The David Hall in South Petherton for this match made in heaven.
I'll be bringing the smooching to Somerset,
the desire to The David Hall,
the crushes to Cupid.
It's a brilliant venue and the best date of the year so come along to be a part of the show where
You could leave as a World Cup Winner
You can decide on the course of a story
You can laugh at my romantic highs and lows and
Share your own...if you want to...high on the sugar-rush from eating Love Hearts
Here's what you need to know:
Friday 14th February 2025 - Valentine's Day
8-00pm to 10.00 pm
The David Hall, Roundwell Street
South Petherton, Somerset TA13 5AA
Whether you're a romantic or a cynic, this is the Valentine's Day you'll never forget.
So come along and make a show with me.