Crinkly mouths and 9 days in April
Along with the sun, the weeds, the noisy tweeting of songbirds, the hail...well it is an English Spring after all. Along with all that,...

January round-up
New story! Almost exactly 2 years on from my live debut, I returned to the fabulous Story Friday stage at Burdalls Yard in...

2015 - I'd name names but the internet would break
It started with a single resolution. I wanted to do more writing and performing my short stories in 2015 and…unlike the ones requiring...

Website Launch
At last! The Writing Sett is here. And Mark leads somewhere. I know a website is an essential part of any writer's...

In defence of cows
What is it about black and white animals getting a bad press? Strikes me that they wander round the countryside, minding their own...